Dialogue as part of cooperation



As part of the implementation of the EDF, the Government of New Caledonia organises every year a Follow Up Committee on the cooperation with the EU. The idea is to bring together the different cooperation players who implement projects or programmes which are funded by the European Union. A presentation of the Annual Implementation Report is carried out by the Government and endorsed by all of the stakeholders (download below).


Annual Implementation Report 2012

Regarding the territorial programming as to professional training since 2004, the European Union is invited to the Advisory Committees on professional training held at least once per year.

The European Union is also invited to Amedee seminars which bring together, under the aegis of New Caledonia, a panel of experts from the private sector and from New Caledonian administrations. The panel of experts is composed of members of the Government, their advisers, New Caledonian administration officials (Tax Department, Budget and Finance Department, Customs, Department of Industry, Mining and Energy, Department of Economic Affairs, representatives of the French Development Agency, of the IEOM, ISEE, Cafat, TNS and of the consular chambers. Employers’ representatives are also invited to participate (Medef, FINC, SLN, mass distribution). Amedee is an assistance tool to help set up initial and supplementary New Caledonian budgets based on economic projections.