The new Consul General for New Zealand meets Madam President of the Government of New Caledonia- 22/01/2015
04 February 2015

Appointed on 5 January to succeed Ms. Linda Te Puni, Mr. Justin Peter Fepuleai, former private secretary in the Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, met Ms. Cynthia Ligeard today as part of his taking office.
This meeting gave Mr. Fepuleai the opportunity to announce Hon. Murray Mc Cully, the New Zealand Minister of Foreign Affairs, intended to visit New Caledonia during the first semester of 2015, as part of his tour in Oceania. This will be the first visit in New Caledonia by the New Zealand Minister of Foreign Affairs’ in nearly 3 years. It was also the occasion to discuss the strengthening of the political dialogue between Noumea and Wellington, desired on both sides, and also to talk about rekindling a sustainable and balanced economic cooperation.