Call for Ideas on Biodiversity
04 May 2021

New Caledonia is eligible for the Kiwa Initiative, implemented by the French Development Agency (AFD). A new call for ideas has been launched to finance and support regional projects related to climate change adaptation and biodiversity protection. Applications can be submitted on the Kiwa Initiative website until September 15, 2021.
Announced at the One Planet Summit in 2017, the Kiwa Initiative was formalized in March 2020. With an overall amount of 4.2 billion francs, it is funded by the European Union, France, Canada, New Zealand and Australia. Nineteen Oceanian countries and territories are eligible for the proposed aid, including the three French Pacific communities. The Kiwa Initiative aims to support projects that implement biodiversity conservation activities for climate change adaptation through nature-based solutions," explains Bettina Lê, project officer for the Kiwa Initiative Secretariat, based at AFD's regional office in Noumea. There are few funds dedicated to this theme. One of the challenges is to improve access to this type of financing, particularly by offering technical support to project leaders.
Nature-Based Solutions
Following the success of the first call for ideas launched last year, a second call for regional projects was opened in April. National and local authorities, public institutions, regional organizations and non-governmental organizations can apply, provided that their application involves at least two countries or territories. The grants awarded range from CHF 180 to 600 million. In concrete terms, the actions financed can be operations for the reintroduction of endemic plant species, the fight against invasive species or coastal erosion, coastal fisheries management projects, etc. Two projects have been selected and will be funded following the first call for ideas launched in 2020. One of them, led by the Pacific Community (SPC), brings together Fiji, Nauru, Tonga and the Solomon Islands to set up a network of organic pilot farms," explains Ludovic Branlant, project development coordinator for the Kiwa Initiative at SPC. As partners, the Pacific Community and the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) can provide technical assistance to countries and territories that wish to submit a regional project.
Kiwa Initiative: Practical Information
- Call for ideas 2021 for regional projects: all the information and documents to apply are available on the Kiwa Initiative website
- SPC and SPREP have been mandated to help eligible countries and territories to access Kiwa Initiative funds. This support includes the organization of information sessions, the identification of projects, and their development and monitoring. For more information: SPC website
Grants for Local Projects
The Kiwa Initiative includes another type of grant to support local projects. Grants can range from three million to 48 million francs. Coordinated by the Fiji-based regional office of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), a call for projects is expected to be issued during June 2021. It will be open to local or national authorities, civil society and community-based organizations and local and international NGOs.
For more information: IUCN website