New Caledonia's Customary Senate comes to New Zealand for the "Never a week goes by" exhibit in Dunedin.
07 July 2015

The "Never a week goes by" exhibit, which will be touring New Zealand from February to December 2015, retraces the journey of the "Otago mounted rifles", New Zealand soldiers who departed from Balclutha (in Otago on the South Island) and New Caledonian soldiers and Kanak infantrymen who departed from Noumea. The New Zealand section of the exhibit recounts the lives of five men from Otago who died during the First World War. The French part highlights the specific characteristics of New Caledonia and the contrast between the reaction of French colonies facing the threat to mainland France and the relationship with the Kanak people during this important phase in world history.
The official inauguration of this travelling exhibit, "Never a week goes by", was held on the 7th of February 2015 at the Otago Arts Society's Hope Gallery in Dunedin. It began with a traditional Maori welcome ceremony, a Mihi Whakatou, to which the New Caledonia Customary Senators responded.
Represented by Hon.Samuel Goromido (Head of the delegation), Hon.Armand Goroboredjo, Hon. Paul Jewine and Hon.Waessaou Nigote, the presence of the Customary Senate is evidence of the tribute paid to the thousand Kanak soldiers who participated in the First World War, between 1914 and 1918, as part of the prestigious Bataillon des Tirailleurs du Pacifique (Battalion of Pacific Infantrymen).
Bryan Cadogan, the Mayor of Balclutha, Agnes Hamilton, Deputy Head of Mission at the French Embassy in New Zealand, Lieutenant-Colonel Amanda Brosnan (RNZDF) and Dr. Yves Lafoy, Official Representative of New Caledonia to New Zealand, who was present on behalf of the Government and the Southern Province of New Caledonia, all took turns speaking.
The opening of the exhibit ended with presentations from Gary Ross (curator of the South Otago Museum) and Stéphane Pannoux (Honorary lecturer in New Caledonian history, In Memoriam Association) who launched the "Never a week goes by" project together.
The exhibit is co-financed by, among others, the Lottery World War I Commemorations, Environment and Heritage, the Otago Community Trust, various institutions of New Caledonia (Government and Southern Province) and the In Memoriam association.