Have your say on regional priorities
23 July 2015

In 2014, Pacific Islands Forum leaders approved the new Framework for Pacific Regionalism as the main regional strategy in order to strengthen the cooperation and integration of the States and Territories in the region. This framework outlines the vision, values and objectives of a strengthened Pacific regionalism and establishes a process for identifying and prioritising regional public policies.
Through the new Framework for Pacific Regionalism, the Pacific region is invited to contribute to regional initiatives which will be brought to the attention of the leaders.
This public process is a first, designed to ensure greater inclusiveness in the process of establishing regional priorities.
As part of this process, the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat widely encourages submissions from all sectors of the population, including individuals, the government, the private sector, civil society organisations, and regional organisations.
Dame Meg Taylor, Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat said: “There is no restriction on the issues that may be put forward through this process. They may focus on health, education, security, gender issues, the management of resources, climate change, fisheries, infrastructure, connectivity, trade and economic integration, political dialogue or international diplomacy – as well as many other issues”.
“It is important to note, however, that the initiatives submitted through this process must have a regional focus”.
All regional initiatives submitted will be evaluated by the Specialist Sub-Committee on Regionalism, a group of eight preselected eminent personalities.
The role of this committee will be to select a small number of initiatives, which will then be presented to leaders of the Pacific Islands Forum during their annual meeting in Port Moresby in September.
The deadline for the current submission of regional initiatives is Friday, 19th June.
For more information about the process, click here:
And to access the template for the submission of initiatives, click here: