Renewal of the Convention between New Caledonia, France and Vanuatu
19 March 2015

Solidarity which gives meaning to our common History
It is on behalf of France and after being granted authorisation by the French Ministry for Foreign Affairs and by the unanimous decision of the members of Congress that Madam President of the Government of New Caledonia, Ms. Cynthia Ligeard and Hon. Sato Kilman signed the renewal of the Convention between France and the Republic of Vanuatu relating to the cooperation between New Caledonia and its closest neighbour. Since 2002, Vanuatu has become New Caledonia’s first partner in terms of bilateral cooperation, thanks to the cooperation conventions signed for a duration of four years. The text signed on 23 February covers five significant cooperation sectors:
§ Sustainable economic development including agriculture;
§ Education, promotion of French language (francophonie), training and vocational integration of youth;
§ Research and technology transfers;
§ Youth and culture
§ Health
§ Good governance
As was highlighted by Ms. Cynthia Ligeard on this occasion: “ I am glad to see this text (the convention) mentioning in full for the very first time the necessity to allocate a significant share of the allocated amounts to micro projects which directly support the rural and isolated communities.
In New Caledonia as in Vanuatu, we do know what the words “land-locked” and “social divide” mean. […] This convention is sending a strong signal, yet more than that, it commits to give more means for more and more solidarity in favour of communities who need it most. More than ever, this is what gives meaning to our common History”.
Following this signature, the Vanuatu Minister for Foreign Affairs went to the Government building where he had lengthy discussions with Ms. Cynthia Ligeard and Mr. Gilbert Tyuienon.