OCEANIA 21 Meetings – 3rd edition of the Pacific Summit for Sustainable Development.
23 July 2015

Oceania 21 Meetings, Third edition of the Pacific Summit for Sustainable Development, was held on 28, 29 and 30 April 2015 in Noumea and Lifou, New Caledonia.
Oceania 21 acknowledges the important need for dialogue between government authorities, scientists, customary authorities and institutions of the territories involved as well as with the youth of Oceania. It serves as an important gateway between governmental authorities focusing on three cornerstones comprising science, tradition and youth.
Day One: Focus on Cyclone PAM
In light of the recent and major climatic events that have occurred in the region, and that have gravely touched the islands of Vanuatu, Tuvalu and Kiribati, the first day saw a round table discussion dedicated to identifying the causes of these events, as well as determining strategies to fight and protect against them.
The scientific representatives presented the links between climate change and cyclones.
SPC, SPREP and the United Nations presented the Post-2015 Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the Strategy for Climate and Disaster Resilient Development in the Pacific (SRDP) and surrounding eco-system based coping techniques.
Day Two: Thematic Forums
a/ Pacific Communities, traditional knowledge and climate change
The traditional and religious leaders and community representatives shared their experiences.
Their recommendations have been included in the final declaration.
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b/ Scientific Research
A number of presentations were given on the theme of Climate Change and Health, Biodiversity, Living Marine and Fishing Resources, Environmentally Displaced Populations, Coastal Impact, Observation Systems.
A recommendation has been included in the declaration:
Art 17
c/ Youth, a driving force and source of inspiration for the negotiations.
In particular, Oceania 21 hopes to develop awareness on an international level and to engage youth in the issues concerning climate change.
Their recommendations have been included in the declaration.
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Day Three: An outline of the “Lifou Declaration”
Leaders came together in Lifou to build the Lifou Declaration to be presented at the COP 21 in Paris, December 2015.
Within this declaration, the following statements were noted:
- “We are all victims of the effects of climate change,
- We applaud the effort taken by the international community to fight against climate change, but we also acknowledge that these efforts are still insufficient for the more vulnerable developing countries, in particular the Small Island Developing States.
- We want the world to hear our voice”
Finally, the Lifou Declaration includes the solutions and recommendations put forward in the thematic forums.
To follow:
Oceania 21 hopes to deliver a clear and ambitious message, based on the discussions that took place throughout the most recent summits and before the agreement reaches final negotiations, to take place in Paris, June 2015.
The declaration will be presented to the delegates and representatives of the Durban platform, who will then take over responsibility at the heart of negotiations of the Paris Agreement (European Union, France, Australia and New Zealand).
Finally, the Lifou Declaration will be annexed to the recommendations of the round table on climate change to take place in Apia from 12th to 13th May 2015 and which will be a major regional event in light of the COP 21 in Paris.