Cooperation with Vanuatu Continues
20 September 2021

The joint cooperation commission between France, New Caledonia and Vanuatu met remotely because of the health crisis. Nine projects were selected and will be financed in the neighboring archipelago for a total budget of 33.4 million XPF.
France, New Caledonia and Vanuatu have been linked since 2002 by an agreement that aims to finance development projects in Vanuatu. A joint commission that brings together the stakeholders meets annually to define the amount of the budget and the actions to be supported. The technical committee, which precedes this consultation, was held by video conference on August 24 in the presence of the advisor to the President of the Government of New Caledonia for external relations, Charles Wea. It issued recommendations to support nine of the eighteen projects submitted under the 2021 call for projects.
Priority to Education Projects
The objective of this consultation was to rule on development aid and support projects aim at strengthening ties between the two archipelagos. As in the previous five years, the call for projects focused on Higher Education, Education, Training and la Francophonie. Health was also eligible.
National University
Thus, 33.4 million francs, co-financed equally by New Caledonia and the French Embassy in Vanuatu, have been allocated to nine projects, mainly to support the strengthening of the fledgling National University of Vanuatu and, more generally, Education. La Francophonie - 35% of Vanuatu's population is French-speaking - also received significant support.
List of selected projects
- Alliance française - culture and francophonie: 6.5 million XPF;
- Doctoral scholarships: 3.9 million francs;
- Construction of the national university of Vanuatu (financial closure): 6.7 million XPF;
- Strengthening of French-speaking digital spaces: 3.8 XPF;
- Inter-parliamentary cooperation, linguistic reinforcement: 400,000 XPF;
- Construction of a library at Melsisi College (Pentecost Island): 7.2 million XPF;
- Wakoko, the yam path from Maré to Anatom: 100,000 XPF;
- Molecular biology platform (financial closure): 4.2 million XPF;
- School-Pikinini, shipment of school equipment and furniture: 600,000 XPF.