Strengthening partnerships with Europe
31 March 2022

On Tuesday, March 29, New Caledonia participated in a videoconference on the European program "LIFE 2021-2027", organized by OCTA, in partnership with the association Enviropea. The environment and climate remain the preferred areas for partnerships with Europe.
The LIFE program is a financial instrument of the European Commission entirely dedicated to supporting environement and climate projects. It is aimed at public and private project leaders and aims to promote and finance innovative projects related to species and habitat conservation, soil protection, air or water quality improvement, waste management, climate change mitigation or adaptation and energy transition.
On Tuesday, March 29, the association of Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTA) organized a videoconference on this topic in conjunction with the association Enviropea, specializing in the support of project leaders involved in European programs.
Representatives from the office of Mickaël Forrest, the Minister in charge of monitoring New Caledonia's external relations in collaboration with the President of the Government, were able to have discussions with participants regarding the operations planned as a part of the project.
Calls for Projects Soon to be Published
For the 2021-2027 period,, the LIFE program has a budget of 5.4 billion euros at the European level divided into 4 sub-programs whose themes concern primarily the overseas communities heavily impacted by environmental damage and global warming:
Nature and Biodiversity;
The Circular Economy and Quality of Life;
Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation;
- The Transition to Clean Energy
Various calls for projects related to these major concerns for New Caledonia will soon be posted on the government website
High stakes
"These various discussions help to strengthen the partnership between New Caledonia and Europe," emphasized Mickaël Forrest, "They contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms in place and the opportunities available to New Caledonian actors likely to apply for European funding.
Government President Louis Mapou, appointed to the presidency of OCTA in July 2021 had stated a few days after officially taking office that he would will be "particularly attentive to the participatory process of developing the new strategy of OCTA for the period 2021-2027; a document that will be decisive in the upcoming discussions regarding the future support of the European Union in favor of the activities of our organization."
The Presidency thus undertook to define the priority areas it wished to see supported, namely the "blue" economic recovery, the implementation of the "Green Pact for Europe" in the OCTs and regional integration, "which respond to strong issues in our territories".
The LIFE program 2021-2027
- Halt and reverse biodiversity loss.
- Support the Natura 2000 network and priority action frameworks.
- Integrate these objectives into other policies and funding programs.
Typical actions
- Projects to preserve and restore nature in the Natura 2000 network.
- Protection of species.
- Control of invasive alien species/restoration of ecosystems, etc.
- Integrated implementation of the Framework of Priority Actions and the Biodiversity Strategy.
- Promote a climate neutral and climate resilient society.
Typical actions
- Projects that contribute to the implementation of the Energy and Climate Policy for 2030.
- Projects linked to the EU Member States' national energy and climate plans.
- Projects linked to the EU's long-term climate and energy strategy to 2050.
- Projects that support the implementation of the new EU adaptation strategy.
- Circular economy, noise, air, chemicals, green and circular economy, industrial accidents, marine and coastal management, soil, waste, water and urban environment.
Typical actions
- Support to public authorities and other stakeholders for the implementation of EU legislation.
- Support for technologies and solutions that are ready for implementation.
- Integrated projects in the areas: air, water, waste and circular economy.
- Fostering deployment and access to finance.
- Transition to renewable energy and improve energy efficiency.
- Contribute to the creation of favorable regulatory and market conditions for the energy transition in EU territories.
Typical actions
- Policy and regulatory framework for sustainable buildings.
- Deployment of technologies, services and business models.
- Attracting private financing. Mobilize local and regional investments.
- Mobilize and empower consumers. Disseminate best practices.
- Support the implementation of plans/strategies adopted at international, national, regional or multi-regional level that implement EU environmental or climate policy or legislation.