A Strong Position within Europe
29 October 2019

The President of the Government Thierry Santa visited Brussels from 15-17 October to participate in the Ocean Conference organized by the Overseas Countries and Territories Association (OCTA). It was an oportunity to participate actively in the newly elected European institutions and prepare New Caledonia's upcoming Presidency of OCTA which starts during the first quarter of 2020.
After attending a meeting between French Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) in Paris, to which represeentatives of France also participated, Thierry Santa visited Brussels , where all the representatives of the 25 OCTs associated with the European Union were gathered. The main reason for the visit was the Ocean Conference organized on 16-17 October by OCTA, whose mission it is to make the voice of its members heard in European institutions. "The ocean covers the OCTs which can legitimately raise awareness about the issues around ocean conservation and valorization in the fight against climate change.," declared the President of the Government. During these two days of discussions and work, New Caledonia presented a study lead by its Departments which identifies what is currently being undertaken in the OCTs. This presentation was particularly well-received.
Observer's Status
In the margins of the conference, Thierry Santa had high-level bilateral meetings with representatives of European institutions, most notably the Finnish Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the Head of the European Commission's OCT Unit, Sylvie Millot. The discussions focused on the renewal of both the Partnership Agreements with Europe post 2020 and the financial instrument dedicated to OCTs ( see box). "According to current negotiatons OCTs could benefit from observer's status to be able to participate in discussions on Europe's strategies in various regions, and more particularly in the Pacific," declared the President of the Government with satisfaction. Similarly, our budgetary envelope should still amount to 500 million euros ( 60 billion XPF) and could even increase. A new financial instrument should finally enable us to lead regional policies alongside our neighbors." on all these issues, the President found strong support inside the European Parlement, most notably from Stéphane Bijoux, Member of Parliament from La Réunion Island.
Better Access to Information
The other key aspect of the discussions focused on New Caledonia's upcoming Presidency of OCTA, during which it hopes to shift the lines. "We want to bring the European Union's OCTs closer to give them a better visibility on programs and aids to enable them to respond more efficiently to the European Union's spolicitations. It is one of the roles OCTA must play alongside local relays to better support project leaders in their initiatives," declared Thierry Santa. Thanks to this proactive approach, which was unanimously commended by the different actors, New Caledonia consolidated its place as a coordinator whose ambition is to ensure that the interests of the OCT are better taken into account by the European Union, before taking the Presidency of OCTA.
The Partnerships with the European Union
- The Cotonou Agreement : the general framework which governs the relationship between the EU and African, Caribbean, and Pacific countries (ACP), which is due to expire in February 2020. Negociations are currently taking place to find a new agreement with ACP countries.
- Overseas Association Decision :The framework which governs the relationship with the 25 Overseas Countries and Territories (OCT) associated with the European Union, because they are constitutionally linked to an EU Member State (France, Denmark, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom). A new Overseas Association Decision is also currently being negotiated.